Macciangrosso is an ancient sixteenth-century residence built by Carlo Lo-dovico de' Piccolomini. The skilful restoration of the structure has preserved the charm and appeal of a past rich in memories. Located on the natural bastion that closes the Valdichiana to the south, Macciangrosso is immersed in the tranquility of a centuries-old park: between severe cypresses and tall cedars a labyrinth of box hedges unra-vels, which together with an enchanted ancient rose garden make up the traditional Italian garden.

A panoramic swimming pool, a tennis court, 10 hectares of land where you can walk, together with areas for reading and meditation, and a room for yoga and physical activity, offer guests an unforgettable experience for the body and for the mind.

In the lovely private chapel attached to the villa it is possible to celebrate in-timate ceremonies and organise refined banquets in the beautiful scenery of the park.
rooms and
La residenza di Macciangrosso si articola in due aree, "il Casale" e "i Chiesoni". "Il Casale" si sviluppa su due livelli ed è composto da cinque confortevoli appartamenti ed otto camere matrimoniali elegantemente arredate. L’area del Chiesone, a poche decine di metri dal Casale, è una suggestiva struttura indipendente ricavata da una ex antica chiesa e la canonica attigua; è composta da tre confortevoli appartamenti con giardino e parcheggio privati.
All the units, which enjoy a magnificent view of the beautiful surrounding va-lleys, are equipped with private bathrooms, heating, air conditioning and re-served green area in front of the entrance of the single accommodation.

A world
at a glance
Macciangrosso is also located in a strategic position; easily reachable from the motorway exit, it is close to many historic art centres: the Etruscan Chiusi, 7 km, the Renaissance Montepulciano, 18 km, the Pienza di Pio II, 25 km, and again Montalcino, Bagno Vignoni , Monticchiello, Cetona, Sarteano, Cortona, Città della Pieve. Just over an hour's drive separate Macciangroso from Florence, Rome, Siena, Arezzo and Assisi.
The proximity to the renowned spa of Chianciano and other spas immersed in the greenery, also allows you to enjoy all the advantages of a wellness break.

Art and beauty's
Finally Macciangrosso also wants to be a place dedicated to artistic residences; a place for creation of art and beauty through the spaces that the property intends to make available specifically to all those who would like to stay with us and use their time for artistic and creative activities.
Tuscany Farm House
Strada Vicinale di Macciano n° 75/77,
53043 Località Macciano-Chiusi (SI), Italia
43.039884, 11.889157
Questa azienda ha beneficiato del sostegno della sottomisura 21.1 “Eccezionale aiuto temporaneo per gli agriturismo e le fattorie didattiche particolarmente colpiti dalla crisi Covid-19” del PSR Toscana 2014-2020